From the Chair, March 2018

Dear friends,

What does this season have to do with the Pilgrims? March winds bring April showers, and what do April Showers bring? Mayflowers! Sorry I couldn’t resist. It’s the history geek in me!


Did you know VHSA turns 30 this year? I can hardly believe it! What an amazing group of families encouraging one another over the years! We’ve done so many fun things, and learned lessons together, encouraged one another, and prayed hard prayers together. I can’t wait to see what happens in another 30 years. Maybe my grandkids will be in VHSA? As the years go by our group changes as those who lead it also change. Our firm bylaws and Statement of Faith will be unchanged for years to come, thanks to the vote last Monday.


But the wise designers of those documents left lots of room for the “how” and “what” to be played out by those who apply their gifts. Next year’s co-op classes are being planned, according to the dreams and gifts of the teachers! Next year’s general group will take on the flavor of the new chair and board members.  The only steady is that they will hold the Monthly parent meeting where those who wish to participate will plan all the fun! Will you be there? Will you be leading the way? We are nominating seats again! Maybe you have a dream of all this group could be?


The winds of change are blowing, and as I step down, I look up to the full sails above us and I’m excited to see where we go!


Enjoying this journey with you,



Psalm 77:19

Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, And Your footsteps were not known.